Thursday, May 20, 2010


Its been decided. I'm moving with the Man Guy. I'm so proud of him. He wanted to be a newspaper photographer, and now he is the Staff Photographer for Hanover,PA's Evening Sun. Go Fella! Soon he'll be the chief photographer and have to handle all the business stuff of the position. Its super exciting.

Guy asked me to move with him. This came as a surprise because I've wanted to do the living thing for a while. Its been in my daydream fantasy rotation for a little bit now. I never would have guessed on the same day he mentioned he's never getting married that he wanted me to move across the state with him. Of course, to my parents and family living together is the next step towards marriage.

Oh how far off we are. I may never see an aisle under my shiny shoes but I'm not complaining just yet. Surely, I've always imagined the getting ready, the shoes, what I'd do with my hair, the father daughter dance, etc. Rationally speaking, couldn't I have learned to want that based on tv, movies, supposed lady-roles in life. Am I supposed to get all sappy and desperate?

This is all so adult. I'm 22 and have no aspiration to walk down an aisle in the next 5 or 10 years. Who knows, I might change my mind later and I might not. Living with Guy is a learning experience and I'm not too worried. We shall survive and be us, just us in one house.

As you might tell from my writing, I'm a little scattered. It doesn't feel real yet.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Inevitable decision making

Its become clear that the road I've been walking is about to fork in many different directions. I have yet to figure out clearly where they lead.

I remember in my psychology class one semester a discussion about getting to the point where you need to change something. Luckily I realize these points, its deciding what to change that gives me the biggest trouble. I've always had a bit of a problem when there's an 'either or' situation because there's always a bad decision that could be made. But that's life, yea? Pick and choose all you want, the end result will be the end result and you will have to deal with it.

So in my four forks in the road, where does the decision begin?