Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So, hello there. I'm Melissa and this is my new blog. I say new, because I abandoned my old one. I'm in a place in my life where school, the only thing I've ever known, has come to an end and life as it seems is just beginning.

I don't know where it goes from here. I'm sure I should have a better plan by now, I feel like a 90s slacker

I want to do a million things at once and don't know where to start. One thing at a time I suppose.

In this blog, I shall arrange my thoughts! I shall make lists! I will go forth and create! This is what is to come. And I'm sure at times, it won't make sense. But this is what I gots ta do to make it all make sense.... well then I'm gonna do it.

Welcome, to [soon to be] organized chaos.

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