Thursday, April 22, 2010


I'm at a total loss. Everywhere I look, photographers have YEARS and at times even decades of experience in the film industry and yet all I want to do is start my experience.

How do I convince somebody to let me start? How do you even get a job anymore without 8+ years in the industry? I have a passion for what I do, I know what I'm doing, I would love to learn more but when am I ever going to get the chance? Do I have to scrape by for years before I'm accepted as an actual photographer? How the hell do you get the experience if you can't get anywhere?

I've been going through my movies and skipping right to the credits, past the set designers and stunt men to the Production Stills. Half the time when I search the name listed, they don't come up and other times they've been working for 15-40 years in the business. How do you do that?! Did they have crappy retail jobs first or during? Did they get fondled by The Man before they landed their first real gig?

I need to get out! I need to get somewhere that isn't a 9-5. Shit, I need equipment but can't get it working at an office supply store or two days in a computer room. I need one of those jobs like an airline stewardess so I can get to places that need me.

That's it. I'll work for the airlines.

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